Monday, April 1, 2013


Do you ever do things to make others happy, or act like something your not? Although at some point you are happy in some way. Is it ever your mom or dad? In my case it is. I try so hard in so many things just to make them happy, and at the end of everything, I end up pleasing them, and myself.  In my life, growing up, and being a middle child, and having an older brother I felt like my dad, thought that although his boy was grown up he could do the same things he did with him, with me, but I liked it. I feel like throughout my life I have learned a lot about why family should be put first. That's one of the reason's why I love this movie. The way Mulan fought for the honor of her family, is something I'm sure many would do. Which is fighting for the honor of people who always seem to be there for you at all times. Love your family, and start loving this movie :) 

Disney movies

Since we were younger we would watch Disney movies, and believe in everything we would watch. Which includes fairies, super heroes, princesses, relationships that seemed to not get any more perfect. But most importantly it would makes us believe in things that in some way or form had to do with our life. Disney movies in my opinion, make you believe in wonderful things. Things that you wish were real, things that could come to life if you tried. Disney has always been magical in some way or form, that's why I love Disney movies, because in my opinion I will never ever be old to watch, such fascinating and most entertaining movies. 


Something I love is jewelry. In my opinion a bow necklace, looks really cute with any outfit. It's so simple, but still stands out. When you add some accesories to your outfits it makes it look way different, and a lot better. I suggest that any of you girls out there, add something simple to any of your outfits, and not something that makes you look like you just came out of a circus, like having 20 bracelets on each wrist, or having like 5 really long necklaces. Simple accesories seem to always be the best thing to choose.


No matter how full I am after eating, I always seem to have some spare space for some chocolate. Something magical about chocolate, is that it brightens up your day just a slightly bit, well in my case it makes me super happy! When my day seems to not be able to get any worse I eat some chocolate, and In my opinion so should you :)